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Profesor(-oară) de limba engleză

Actualizat: 1 oră în urmă

De la 7 000 Până la 15 000 MDL

Atribuțiile principale și sarcinile specifice: Analizarea manualului de bază și alegerea materialelor auxiliare adecvate; Stabilirea conținutului activităților de învățare; Alegerea strategiilor didactice; Adaptarea informației la posibilitățile de învățare și nivelul de pregătire a formabililor; Valorificarea rezultatelor evaluărilor; Asigurarea cunoașterii, înțelegerii și însușirii regulilor sociale; Cunoașterea avansată a limbii de pr

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Traducator-referent engleza, turca

Actualizat: 7 ore în urmă

Zen Group

Secretara cu cunoștința de limba engleză, romana, cunoștințe de limba turcă este binevenită

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Profesor / profesoară limba engleză

Actualizat: 8 ore în urmă

Proficiency Youth Language Sch...
De la 5 000 Până la 15 000 MDL

Angajăm profesor de limbă engleză! Oferim: - Salariu motivant și pachet social - Echipă prietenoasă și suport metodic - Condiții confortabile și sigure Cerem: - Experiență de lucru cu copiii și adolescenții este un avantaj - Receptivitate și flexibilitate la ghidare

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ProTranslate Group SRL

Sarcinile și responsabilitățile: - recepționarea și repartizarea comenzilor către traducători și pregătirea lor pentru clienți (sau trimiterea prin mail); - evidența comenzilor; - recepționarea și evidența apelurilor telefonice; - corespondența cu clienții și partenerii companiei. Cerințe: - studii superioare sau incomplete; - cunoaștere perfectă a limbii române / ruse; - abilități excelente de organizare și comunicare. - cuno

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Dispatcher with relocation to Poland

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

Boekestijn Transport Service was started in 1994 in Mill, Netherlands. In those days there were three Boekestijn trucks on the road. By always sticking to our motto that we drive for you and that your wishes are the most important guidelines for the transport, the company has grown into a transport company of international standing in Europe and beyond, having now about 1000 trucks on the roads. Boekestijn Transport Service trucks

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Looking for an awesome new professional experience? Pedersen & Partners is constantly expanding globally. We pride ourselves on being precise with placements, offering our clients the complete package both in terms of industry expertise and reach. Our team of Executive Search consultants comprises nearly 60 nationalities across 54 offices around the world bringing our clients the best of both local and internationally sourced talent to make

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Katoen Natie
13 600 MDL

We are an administrative center located in Chisinau ( not a Call Center), working for large international clients, active in all different kind of business lines like Petrochemicals, Industrial products (like spare parts), Consumer goods (sportswear, fashion, healthcare, …), Commodities (coffee, cacao,…), Specialty Chemicals, etc.As a part of a team, you will be responsible for providing correct and important logistic

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Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

Main responsibilities include: Provides an excellent and consistent level of service to the guests; Assists with receiving guests in the hotel's restaurant; Manages the inventory of the outlet and assists the service staff whenever necessary; Takes reservations and manages efficient and timely seating of guests.  Personal requirements: Hostess experience in restaurant or hospitality is an advantage; Customer service and task or

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Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

Main responsibilities include: Providing professional, efficient and courteous service to all customers; Responsible for setting up of bar area; Re-stocking the bar and cellar; Preparing and serving drinks, including cocktails. Personal requirements: Min. 2 years experience in Food and Drink field; Preferable 1 years experience in similar position; Fluent in English, Romanian and Russian; Beverage knowledge. Note:If you are inte

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Chelner / chelneriță

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

Responsabilități: Deservirea oaspeților conform standardelor; Înregistrarea cu grijă și atenție a comenzilor; Pregătirea și îngrijirea meselor. Cerințe: Atitudine prietenoasă și pozitivă; Cunoașterea limbii engleză și rusă este obligatorie; Spirit de echipă. Nota:Daca sinteti interesat si indepliniti cerintele de mai sus, rugam sa expediati CV-ul Dvs. la adresa cu specificarea pozitie p

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Backend Engineer

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă


A UK-based digital marketing group is hiring in Moldova. We are launching a new project in the digital advertising technology space and are looking to hire a backend engineer for the R&D department. We are looking to add an engineer to our team who has a startup attitude: motivated, energetic, multi-talented and above all, willing to achieve more. You will play a central role in developing an exciting new product in the ad tech space. The

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Sales Manager

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

Acvila Grup
De la 10 000 Până la 35 000 MDL

Job description:We fill our team with people who like to sell and get good benefits. Responsibilities: Identifying and contacting clients; Increase sales volume; Develop, maintain business relationships with customers; Planning and time organization skills; You like results and know how to get them. Requirements: Solid knowledge of English; Positive, not negative people; Excellent communication skills and persuasiveness; Previo

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Store Manager (Chișinău)

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

LC Waikiki

Ideal candidate  Minimum 2 years experience in Retail and 1 years experience as a Store Manager Good command of sales and negotiation skills Customer oriented Good knowledge of English (written & verbal) is a plus  Job description Mаnagе store tеam and self-аccountable to аll LC Waikiki stаndards of pеrformаnce and bеhavior Efficiеnt work force scheduling Maximizes store productivity and еfficiеncy Estаblishes еxcelle

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Front Desk Agent

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

Main responsibilities: Performs all check in and check out procedures; Informs the guests about payment methods and processing accurately the payments; Fulfills the arrival-departure procedures of guests and assists them from arrival to departure; Reviews all guest reservations and plans their accommodation accordingly;  Provides information about our hotel, available rooms, rates and amenities; Upsells additional facilities and serv

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Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

Victoria Gomon SRL
De la 5 400 Până la 15 000 MDL

В связи с расширением нашей компании проводим набор сотрудников на вакансию: менеджер по продажам и менеджер по работе с клиентами. Если ВЫ думаете СМЕНИТЬ свою деятельность впервые ИЩЕТЕ перспективную работу хотите круто ИЗМЕНИТЬ свою жизнь желаете БЫТЬ успешным человеком Приглашаем Вас в нашу команду! КАК успешно выполнять работу и достигать целей Мы Вас научим! Звоните: mob: +373-69-980-300Пишите: Viber, WhatsApp 1. Наша

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De la 9 500 Până la 40 000 MDL

Căutăm: Persoane care cunosc limba engleză sau italiană, germană, franceză, poloneză, spaniolă, ceha, olandeză, greacă. Noi îți oferim: salariul fix 9500 + bonusuri prânz achitat instruire continuă (training, informații, seminare) creștere pe plan profesional loc de lucru confortabil, oficiu în centrul orașului echipă tânără de profesioniști transport achitat Cerințe: cunoștinte a uneia dintre limbele cerut

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Dispatcher for the day shift

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă


We, at SITRA GROUP, pride ourselves on being a trustworthy employer which has the best interests for its employees. Our aim is to guide our colleagues, so they can grow together with our company. Opportunities are offered and what you love to do, you do best, right? Each day SITRA Chisinau division is growing and new opportunities arrive. Our offer: Personal growth within a winning team Opportunities for trainings within our foreign

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Technical IT Support (Entry Level)

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă


Are you ready to kickstart your IT career? Join our dynamic team at Stefanini! At Stefanini, we believe in nurturing talent and providing pathways for growth in the IT industry. We are looking for enthusiastic individuals with a passion for technology and excellent communication skills to join us as Entry-Level IT Support Engineers. If you have a solid grasp of English and a desire to learn, we will provide you with comprehensive technical train

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Customer Support Personnel

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă


Katch is a professional dating service for Irish singles and we are looking for nice and kind customer support personnel to assist us as we grow.High level of education is not paramount as our main requirements are that you can hold a fun conversation in English and you like social media (Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok).Within the role you will be interacting with Irish singles all day as well as continuously posting on social media and managing

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Profmet Grup SRL
19 000 MDL

Compania PROFMET, lider în domeniul elementelor de fixare, uneltelor, abrazivilor și materialelor de construcție, își extinde echipa! Căutăm un Specialist Achiziții dedicat, cu o pasiune pentru excelență și inovație.Compania oferă: Salariul - 19 000 lei brut; Tichet de masă (UpDejun); Abonament la sală (FitPass) Program de lucru: luni-vineri, între 8:00 și 17:00 (posibil între 9:00 și 18:00); Transport pâ

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1 500 USD

Unifun - это IT-компания, которая уже более 12 лет разрабатывает IT-продукты для Операторов Мобильной Связи.Мы работаем в 70+ странах мира, со 125+ мобильными операторами.В связи с расширением, компания открыла набор на должность - Менеджер по продажам. Ключевые обязанности: Продажа новых сервисов существующим клиентам (наши клиенты - это операторы мобильной связи); Поиск новых клиентов; Подготовка коммерческой документации, коммерческие пр

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Cerinţe faţă de candidat: studii superioare; cunoaşterea obligatorie a limbilor română, rusă, engleză; cunoaşterea altor limbi străine constituie un avantaj; cunoştinţele din domeniul vinificaţiei constituie un avantaj; capacităţi de exprimare şi comunicare bine dezvoltate; responsabilitate, punctualitate, acurateţe, spirit organizatoric; disponibilitate pentru grafic flexibil de muncă. Oferim transport gratuit tur-retur la / de

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English speaking Sales Agent $1200

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

Join our Team! We are looking for an energetic, communicative Sales Agent to join our team and answer questions and requests from our customers. The responsibilities of the Sales Agent include addressing inquiries, resolving issues, and providing information on our products and services. Your responsibilities: Full information support and consultation of clients over the phone Providing full information about our company's services Working

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Content Manager

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă


Responsabilități: completarea paginii web cu conținut; lucrul cu baza de date a avioanelor și a operatorilor din aviația comercială; Social Media Marketing; căutarea informației despre companii pe Internet. Cerințe: buna cunoaștere a limbii engleze (scris și vorbit); studii superioare finalizate sau în curs de desfășurare; buna cunoaștere a limbii ruse; bune cunoștințe de operare PC și de navigare pe Internet; buna capacitat

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Office Manager (900 USD)

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

900 USD

Unifun - это IT-компания, которая уже более 12 лет разрабатывает IT-продукты для Операторов Мобильной Связи.Мы работаем в 70+ странах мира, со 125+ мобильными операторами.В связи с расширением, компания открыла набор на должность - Office Manager.Ключевые обязанности: Управление, регистрация и распределение входящей/исходящей корреспонденции; Прием, регистрация и перенаправление телефонных звонков; Встреча и обслуживание гостей компании, по

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Переводчик (English - 1000 USD)

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

1 000 USD

Unifun - это IT-компания, которая уже более 12 лет разрабатывает IT-продукты для Операторов Мобильной Связи. Мы работаем в 70+ странах мира, со 125+ мобильными операторами.В связи с расширением, компания открыла набор на должность - Переводчик English. Ключевые обязанности: Перевод технической документации: инструкции, руководства пользователя, спецификации продукта; Перевод рекламных материалов: презентации, брошюры, электронные письма, кон

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Ești în căutare de o nouă și remarcabilă experiență profesională? Compania Pedersen & Partners se extinde constant pe plan global. Prin urmare, echipa noastră din Centrul de Support Global se mărește în continuu și astfel, suntem în căutare de colegi noi.  Aplică dacă: Comunici fluent în engleză, în scris și verbal; Ai abilități excelente de comunicare și socializare; Ai cunoștințe de bază de luc

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Parkopedia Parking Services
11 500 MDL

DESCRIPTIONParkopedia was founded with the mission of being able to answer any parking question, anywhere in the world. Today, Parkopedia is the world’s leading parking services provider used by millions of drivers and organizations ranging from Apple to Volkswagen. The data team is responsible for the collection, management and distribution of all the parking data we provide globally. We are a friendly team operating in an open and trans

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Two Goose

Мы cеть детских магазинов Goose&Goose, лидеры продажи детских товаров в Молдове, который предоставляет полный спектр товаров для детей, всех возрастов. Mы предлагаем: Достойную заработную плату; Полный социальный пакет;  Возможность расти и развиваться вместе; Дружный коллектив профессионалов. Требования: Опыт работы в аналогичной должности; Умение вести успешные деловые переговоры; Владение языками: английский я

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Копирайтер EN/RU (900 USD)

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

900 USD

Unifun - это IT-компания, которая уже более 12 лет разрабатывает IT-продукты для Операторов Мобильной Связи.Мы работаем в 70+ странах мира, со 125+ мобильными операторами.В связи с расширением, компания открыла набор на должность - Копирайтер. Ключевые обязанности: Создание шаблонов e-mail писем и в будущем их оптимизация; Корректировка различных документов (презентации, коммерческие предложения, техническая документация, письма и официальны

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15 000 MDL

Español! Trabajo de operador a telefonico en atencion al cliente en ChisinauLa función de Client Service Assistant es muy importante para la empresa, ya que es la persona que brinda atención.Principales Responsabilidades: Recibir llamadas de clientes basados en los Estados Unidos; Procesar preguntas provenientes de los clientes de la compañía; Respondiendo a las solicitudes de los clientes, siendo educados,

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Customer Service Agent | Weekend

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă


Roslin Contact Center is looking for a Customer Service Agent.No cold calls, no sales, existing customers only.Job: process incoming calls, register orders, and coordinate delivery of service.Hours: 13:00 – 22:00 / 22:00 - 07:00Days: Saturday and SundayStudent shift: 16:00 - 01:00 (only for students) +Taxi back home1-hour lunch breakPay: We will beat any Advertised Salary of our competitors in the same sector!! Offi

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Customer Support Agent | English

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă


Roslin is looking for a Customer Support Agent. No cold calls, no sales, existing customers only.Join our open atmosphere and our culture of trust and support.Every day our team delivers next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect with their customers. We merge industry knowledge, ever-expanding technical skills, and strong leadership to improve our processes and deliver superior products constantly

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Roslin is looking for a Customer Support Agent.No cold calls, no sales, existing customers only. Join our open atmosphere and our culture of trust and support.Every day our team delivers next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect with their customers. We merge industry knowledge, ever-expanding technical skills, and strong leadership to improve our processes and deliver superior products constantly

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Front Desk Agent

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

Main responsibilities Performs Check in and Check out procedures Fulfills the arrival-departure procedures of guests and takes care of any type of problems of guests during their stay Ensures that each guest is welcomed and served in a timely manner according to the standards Handles all guest service issues in an immediate, gracious and professional manner Assists guests from arrival to departure Personal requirements Fluent in Engl

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Waiter | Waitress

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

Main responsibilities include: Providing efficient and excellent service; Accurately recording, pre-checking and picking up all food and beverage orders; Setting-up and cleaning. Personal requirements: Customer service orientated; Fluent in English, Romanian and Russian Has a positive attitude and is an excellent team player. Note:If you are interested in and meet the requirements listed above, please send your CV or call the phon

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Trucking Dispatcher for US EXPRESS

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

US EXPRESS CARRIERS LLC is a rapidly growing trucking company based on the West Coast of USA, operating a fleet of 100 trucks pulling DryVans and Reefers. US Express is also a HazMat certified carrier, which provides an additional and very resourceful source of high paid loads and easier planning for the dispatcher. Our company and our team is constantly growing and looking forward on adding unique assets to our family. The te

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My English Planet SRL
10 000 MDL

Уважаемые преподаватели английского языка!Надёжная и стабильная компания My English Planet (центр иностранных языков) ищет преподавателей английского языка. Мы гарантируем: Достойную и своевременную  оплату  от 10.000 лей и выше. Карьерный рост Дидактические материалы Проработанные программы Адекватный график работы Дружный коллектив Возможность реализации ваших проектов и идей Удобное расположение в центре Ботаники Требов

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Roslin is looking for a Customer Support Agent.No cold calls, no sales, existing customers only. Join our open atmosphere and our culture of trust and support.Every day our team delivers next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect with their customers. We merge industry knowledge, ever-expanding technical skills, and strong leadership to improve our processes and deliver superior products constantly

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About Roslin Roslin is a technology-enabled business services company. We specialize in improving business performance for some of America’s largest ground transportation providers. Every day our team delivers a next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect with their customers.We develop turnkey systems that feature real-time dispatching, vehicle location, and tracking, as well as computeri

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Office Manager and Executive Assistant

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

De la 800 Până la 1 200 EUR

Trabia is a modern ICT company which provides data center related services within the IT and telecommunication area to its customers world wide. We are seeking a self-driven, agile and tenacious person to fill in the position as Office Manager and Executive Assistant in our Chisinau office. Our team is open-minded and flexible to constantly grow and improve. To be successful in this position you must be committed to the work you perform, have a

De la 14 000 Până la 15 000 MDL

Мы предлагаем: Опытные коллеги и наставники, которые помогут быстро адаптироваться в компании; Оплачиваемая стажировка; Заработная плата обсуждается индивидуально, зависит от профессионального опыта и экспертности (оклад + KPI); Доступ к онлайн-университету и корпоративной библиотеке, оплачиваемое внешнее обучение для карьерного развития; Участие в инновационных проектах; Насыщенная корпоративная жизнь (тимбилдинги, корпоративы, спортивны

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Customer Success Specialist

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

Glorificator SRL
De la 18 000 Până la 40 000 MDL

Join Our Dynamic Team: Customer Success SpecialistAt Miracle Movers, a rapidly expanding Canadian moving company, we're dedicated to making relocation seamless for both residential and commercial clients. Our Chisinau office is on the hunt for a Customer Success Specialist—a role blending the finesse of sales with the heart of customer service. Who You Are: Proficient in English, both spoken and written A natural at sales and customer

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Travel Agent $1500

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

De la 1 500 Până la 2 500 USD

Welcome to Dyninno, a San Francisco-based group of companies that has been delivering top-notch products and services in finance, travel, and entertainment across 50 markets since 2004. Our passion for excellence has taken us far and wide, and today we are proud to have a team of over 5,400 professionals working from offices in the USA, UK, Colombia, Latvia, Moldova, Romania, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Egypt, and the Philippines. If you want to be

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10 000 MDL

Cerințe: Bună cunoaştere a limbilor: româna și rusă; Vorbire corectă și clară; Bune abilități de organizare și coordonare; Cunoaștințe bune de operare PC; Responsabilitate și punctualitate. Beneficii: Oferim oportunitatea de dezvoltare a carierei într-un mediu profesionist; Programe de pregătire și perfecționare; Un loc de muncă sigur și plăcut; Pachet salarial motivant; Perfecţionare personală şi profesională continu

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English Speaking Night Dispatch Manager

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

Qualifications and Requirements: Company drivers only (no owner operators) Steady work and steady income based on performance, no fluctuations. Work program from midnight to 9 am. Previous proven minimum 6-12 months work experience in the same position (Night dispatch) Very high negotiation and communication skills Advanced English speaker Knowledge of Microsoft Office and Google Applications Stress resistance and ability to manage and

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Assistant Sales Manager

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

LG Electronics is looking for an Assistant to help our Manager in Moldova office.Responsibilities: collection of information, its analysis and presentation in various forms of reporting in Excel assisting sales managers formation of orders, registration of prices in the Company's databases interaction with regular customers (dealers) and divisions of the Company in other countries collection and preparation of initial data for planning

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Sales administrator assistant

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

Требуемый опыт работы: 1–3 года Полная занятость, полный день Обязанности: поддержка деятельности менеджеров отдела по работе с дистрибьюторами консолидация и формирование отчетов по продуктам в Excel и других базах данных сбор и подготовка исходных данных для планирования составление сводных таблиц взаимодействие с подразделениями России, Молдовы и Кореи Требования: очень хороший разговорный английский язык, уровень не ниже

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Cine suntem: Safeguard Global este o companie outsourcing care furnizează servicii de salarizare, contabilitate, administrare HR, leasing de personal etc. Putem angaja și plăti oriunde în lume.Ce facem: Echipăm organizațiile cu tehnologie, expertiză locală și servicii pentru a ne adapta la o piață globală în continuă schimbare.Responsabilități principale:- Introducerea datelor primare în programul de salarizare- Examinarea și va

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Travel Sales Consultant

Actualizat: 2 zile în urmă

Business Class
De la 15 000 Până la 50 000 MDL

At Business-Class, we strive to become the number-one choice for all premium-class travelers. This mission won’t be able to be achieved without the right people working together hand-in-hand to accomplish the same purpose. We are dedicated to providing the best product, focusing on customer service and satisfaction to gain loyal, repetitive clients eager to work with us.Are you passionate about travel and skilled in sales? Join us in h

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